Regulated Practitioners

Private & Public Sector Regulated or Licensed Helping Professions

This is a space just for you.

I recognise the pressure you have to do as much as you do.

I see you, I hear you, I feel you.

All registered and licensed professionals and practitioners, whether they’re therapists, counsellors, nurses, police, or teachers, dedicate their careers to supporting others through challenging times. However, in the midst of caring for others, they often neglect their own wellbeing due to the demands of the role. Having a designated space for their own wellbeing is crucial for several reasons. Firstly, it allows them to decompress and process the emotional toll that comes with their work, preventing burnout and compassion fatigue. Secondly, it provides an opportunity for self-reflection and personal growth, enabling them to become more effective and empathetic practitioners. Lastly, prioritizing their own well-being sets a positive example for their clients or students, emphasizing the importance of self-care and mental health. By carving out this space, helping professionals can recharge, cultivate resilience, and ultimately continue to provide the best possible care for those they serve.

In addition to providing a space for decompression and self-care, having a dedicated area for their own well-being allows helping professionals to reconnect with their initial motivations for entering their respective fields. Sometimes professionals do not want to share their personal experiences with colleagues or in supervision, particularly when it comes to the very deep parts of you and the roots which led you to start your career in this field. It serves as a reminder of their passion for making a difference in the lives of others and reinforces their sense of purpose. Furthermore, this space facilitates regular reflection and growth, encouraging them to continuously evolve and refine their insights. By engaging in moral introspection and where to take these rediscovered insights, they can stay attuned to their own needs and the evolving needs of those they support, ensuring that they continue to deliver high-quality care with compassion and empathy.

Guidance in Supporting Clients Holistic Journey

Interested in Working With Me?

Here are my offerings for Professionally Regulated Practitioners

To support you on this journey I hold spaces for:

In-person and Virtual Listening Spaces

Online Meditation & Breathwork Journeys

Wellness & Team Workshops or Retreats

Culturally Aware Professional Mentorship

Culturally Aware Community Spaces

Education about Wellness & Holistic Practices

find out more about emotional ecology training

“There is no greater agony than bearing an untold story inside you.

– Maya Angelou

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